Reorienting to a new way of being to help navigate global change

Reorienting to a new way of being to help navigate global change

As a new world gradually births out of the old one over these next few years, I believe we’re being called to cultivate wiser, more refined and grounded ways of being in relationship with ourselves, each other and the world.

We've been evolving and adapting to so much intense change, and yet we’re still wired psychologically and energetically to the way things used to be, which is why at times it feels like we're trudging through thick mud. Our feet are straddling two realities, the old world and the not yet defined new world, AND we're living in this messy in between place.

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Are you walking your talk?

Are you walking your talk?

Have you noticed (if you're in Australia at least), a subtle inner pressure to go back to the way things were in your life? Are you starting to feel a kind of pull within to return to the once familiar pace, rhythm and routines of how you used to be and do life before 2020 hit?

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The antidote to fear and powerlessness

The antidote to fear and powerlessness

We all know there’s plenty of reasons to be fearful right now, whether it’s worrying about the environment, Covid, the upheaval in the US, the future or what’s going to happen next.

Fear contracts the heart and triggers a sense of scarcity and powerlessness within us. It distorts our perspective, blowing up issues into worst case scenarios making us forget the whole picture. Managing fear in our body takes alot of energy, precious energy we could be using elsewhere.

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The work of staying connected within the chaos

The work of staying connected within the chaos

So much of my work with women recently has been supporting them to drop beneath whatever's going on and come back to themselves, so they can reconnect to their OWN knowing and wisdom.

It's unsurprising with the year we've had it's more challenging than usual to stay connected. There's so much to absorb, make sense of, learn, unlearn, release and integrate on so many different levels.

We take in huge amounts of information daily. We absorb SO much mentally, emotionally & energetically as well as process what's coming up to be resolved from the past, and worrying about what we can do about the future.

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Some illuminative insights from my Teen Girls: Wisdom Within course

Some illuminative insights from my Teen Girls: Wisdom Within course

I’m now almost at the end of my first Teen Girls: Wisdom Within Course and it’s been fantastic. What I love about this course is the simple shared understanding that we are each complex inside and there's value in understanding how to interact with our inner life more effectively, instead of focusing on what’s “wrong” with us.

It’s been fascinating to explain some core basics around the inner life to the girls and show them how to listen, and see them instantly understand these concepts. They get it, because it’s already within them. They just had no language for it previously.

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Empowering teen girls to discover the wisdom within

Empowering teen girls to discover the wisdom within

We live in a culture that idolises the head and ignores the heart. It's Mental Health Week, and with mental health issues at an alarming high in adults and children, it's time we shifted gears a little and placed more value on our heart and body intelligence. 

Of course for teens, developing intellect is essential, common sense crucial, but equally important is learning to listen to your heart in matters of the heart - relationships, connection to others, your people, life direction and pivotal choices. As is learning to trust your gut instincts and finding the courage to stay true to yourself in a culture that constantly seduces us to do the exact opposite. 

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Inside info on Teen Girls: Wisdom Within Course

Inside info on Teen Girls: Wisdom Within Course

I've had a few questions about my course - will my daughter like it? What's it about? What is "wisdom" in the context of this course? Who am I and why am I running this course? Great questions! If you've been thinking about enrolling your daughter in this course but aren't sure what it's really about, hopefully this post answers your questions!

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A mini meditation for when you're anywhere but here

A mini meditation for when you're anywhere but here

How are you feeling right now? A little disconnected maybe? Scattered? A bit emotional? Worried about something? Trying to keep a handle on everything you still have to do this week? Everyone wanting a piece of you?! Tired? 

I feel you. 

This time of the week, at the end of a long day, it's easy to be anywhere but here. 

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Wisdom Within for Teen Girls

Wisdom Within for Teen Girls

Passion and inspiration have been overflowing this week as I work on creating a course for teen girls!

I've long loved supporting and encouraging women to listen to their bodies, navigate their feelings, trust themselves and learn wise tools for reflection, self-care and self-belief so they can show up authentically in their lives.

For the past couple of years, I've also been thinking about how useful it would be for teenagers to learn these skills too. 

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Holding yourself close to your own truth

Holding yourself close to your own truth

Recently I've been practising holding myself as close as possible to the fire of my own truth. Whenever I've been triggered by others, or in a challenging situation, rather than doing the usual judge, avoid or distract strategies, I've chosen to hold myself as close as possible to the fire of the truth of what's really going on beneath the surface.

My way is to write, to get the words out of my head and heart and onto paper.

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What if you never get to use what you have?

What if you never get to use what you have?

Have you ever worried you won't ever get to use what you have in your life? That you won't ever find that beautiful fit between who you are and what you're doing in the outside world?

You may have followed the threads for many years and know you're generally in the right lane but still, perhaps you expected you'd have more to show for it by now, or be further along, more successful or fulfilled in what you are doing, whatever that means to you.

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