Some kind words...

I really enjoyed our session, it was like the dots joined together and I could see the clearer picture. Thank you so much, I feel a huge lift since our session.

- Andrea (Root Cause Session)

Laurelle enabled healing for me in two Root Cause Sessions.

The first time I had 4 symptoms running within me at the same time, two of them very painful. After that one hour session, ALL of them were gone!!

The second one allowed me to bring peace and safety into my system on a very, very deep level!

I mean, is there more to say? I feel completely different. More healed. More healthy, More loving. More upright. 

- Sabine Heggemann (Root Cause Session)


Laurelle lovingly held space for the wisdom of my body to be expressed. Tension and pain in areas of my body released and dissolved. I felt so relaxed and blissful afterwards and deeply connected to myself. I gained valuable insights and steps to move towards the life I truly want to live and the woman I desire to be. Such a powerful experience.

- Fleur (Body as Oracle session)

When I started coaching with Laurelle I was stuck, down and confused. Within minutes of our first session I felt the weight start to lift of my shoulders and lightness flow into my heart. 

Laurelle was able to understand what I was working through in a way no one else has been able to. I finally felt seen and understood. I had some complex and traumatic experiences I was trying to make sense of and a number of big decisions to make. I took more action during our coaching sessions than I had in the years before working with Laurelle. This is a credit to her intuitive insights, powerful questions and ability to do loving and safely hold space for her clients. My life changed as a result of working with Laurelle and I recommend her with my whole heart. 

If you are looking for a sensitive, intelligent and rock solid coach, Laurelle is your person. She was able to reach out to me, hold my hand and guide me back to my self. Each session was dynamic and thoughtfully prepared and I was blown away by how much she just ‘got me’. I feel more grounded, free and confident and know that had it not been for working with Laurelle I would not be in the place I am today. 

- Rosie

I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to attend Teen Circle Program, as I've found the lessons learned in Soul Circle to be invaluable. The sharing and learning within circle is so authentic and genuine, and in an era when young people live so much of life through a lens of social media, I think the knowledge gained would be of invaluable assistance in preparing them to be authentic, grounded individuals, which will help prepare them for where ever life may lead, and the ups and downs encountered along the way.

- Nicolle B

What a magical day, I’ll be treasuring the love I received forever and especially over the 2-3 months. Thank you so very much Laurelle for all of your time, your love, top organisation skills and incredible capacity to lovingly hold sacred space for very different women to gather and feel so safe, so empowered and to take a lot away for themselves too. Wow I will be reflecting on the day and re-reading the beautiful messages, wishes and loving poems I received to support me for a very long time. I’m so lucky to have you hold space for me at this time.

— Charlotte Pointeaux (Mama Blessing Ceremony)

I didn’t know what to expect working with Laurelle but I was blown away by her gifts and experience. I now have strategies and tools now to help me confront the imposter syndrome and to tune into my body, what it’s saying and what I really want and need now too. 

I truly feel you have given me the tools to tune into my own intuition, Laurelle. You are approachable, 100% honest and upfront and you kept me accountable to what I needed to hear – even if I wasn’t ready for it myself. You helped me get there, so beautifully. I am so appreciative to have been in your light and your presence for this series. Thank you!

— Kate Cashman, Rest & Renewal Coach, The Breath Between (

Before I started working with Laurelle, I found facing challenges of daily life difficult to handle. I wanted to create harmony and reintroduce joy into my day to day life.

I found the entire experience of working with Laurelle enlightening, nurturing and transformational. Many friends have noticed the difference in me, saying I ‘looked’ happier and more peaceful. I have strengthened the connection with my family and am having more fun, and I now have more appreciation of the simpler things in life. I am also more patient.

I’m grateful for this experience because it has led to positive changes in my family life. I have learnt useful skills and have a better understanding of myself that I will carry forward and continue improving.

— Ellen

When I started working with Laurelle, I wasn’t happy with who I was and I didn’t know what to do about it.

The biggest change I’ve noticed from our work is the confidence to be myself and speak my truth in a calm and kind way, no matter what the subject or circumstance. 

I’m also far more self-aware and have the tools to help me re-centre when needed. I follow my intuition more than ever before and trust the outcome. I feel much more positive about my life and less fearful. I have more time to listen to people and more patience and kindness for the people I come into contact with and that helps us develop a much stronger and more positive connection. 

Laurelle, working with you has seriously changed my life. I can never go back and nor do I want to! You have helped me and inspired me in ways I did not even know were possible and I will forever be grateful for this experience. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this most incredible journey.

— Fleur

I was feeling overwhelmed with all the things I wanted to accomplish in my life and I wanted to release the grip that fear had on me as I headed down an exciting and foreign path toward my new career as a nutritionist.

My experience with Laurelle was everything I hoped it would be and more. She has the ability to gently draw out answers to questions that I didn’t know I had.  She was nurturing and very thoughtful in her guidance and I left every session and the weeks following even more determined to focus on my goals and do what I needed to move forward in realising my true potential.  Every session was inspiring, energising and supportive.

I’ve noticed huge changes in myself - I’m now doing things and entertaining possibilities I never would have had the courage to before. I have also noticed in myself a quiet determination and strengthened resolve to let go of fear and be the best version of myself that I can be.  It feels great! It was an invaluable experience and for that I cannot thank Laurelle enough.  

— Irene, Nutritionist

"Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am."
Parker Palmer