Are you walking your talk?

Are you walking your talk?

Have you noticed (if you're in Australia at least), a subtle inner pressure to go back to the way things were in your life? Are you starting to feel a kind of pull within to return to the once familiar pace, rhythm and routines of how you used to be and do life before 2020 hit?

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The work of staying connected within the chaos

The work of staying connected within the chaos

So much of my work with women recently has been supporting them to drop beneath whatever's going on and come back to themselves, so they can reconnect to their OWN knowing and wisdom.

It's unsurprising with the year we've had it's more challenging than usual to stay connected. There's so much to absorb, make sense of, learn, unlearn, release and integrate on so many different levels.

We take in huge amounts of information daily. We absorb SO much mentally, emotionally & energetically as well as process what's coming up to be resolved from the past, and worrying about what we can do about the future.

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Some illuminative insights from my Teen Girls: Wisdom Within course

Some illuminative insights from my Teen Girls: Wisdom Within course

I’m now almost at the end of my first Teen Girls: Wisdom Within Course and it’s been fantastic. What I love about this course is the simple shared understanding that we are each complex inside and there's value in understanding how to interact with our inner life more effectively, instead of focusing on what’s “wrong” with us.

It’s been fascinating to explain some core basics around the inner life to the girls and show them how to listen, and see them instantly understand these concepts. They get it, because it’s already within them. They just had no language for it previously.

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A mini meditation for when you're anywhere but here

A mini meditation for when you're anywhere but here

How are you feeling right now? A little disconnected maybe? Scattered? A bit emotional? Worried about something? Trying to keep a handle on everything you still have to do this week? Everyone wanting a piece of you?! Tired? 

I feel you. 

This time of the week, at the end of a long day, it's easy to be anywhere but here. 

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Wisdom Within for Teen Girls

Wisdom Within for Teen Girls

Passion and inspiration have been overflowing this week as I work on creating a course for teen girls!

I've long loved supporting and encouraging women to listen to their bodies, navigate their feelings, trust themselves and learn wise tools for reflection, self-care and self-belief so they can show up authentically in their lives.

For the past couple of years, I've also been thinking about how useful it would be for teenagers to learn these skills too. 

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Inner work: is it worth it?

Inner work: is it worth it?

Do you do a lot of inner work to overcome self-doubt, heal old family patterns and wounds and  unhook from cultural conditioning? Are you committed to authenticity and growth, trying hard to shift negative beliefs and stories, strengthen your boundaries in relationships and embrace the lessons in the seemingly endless challenges that show up in your life?

Maybe you've been wondering if it's actually doing anything? Is it worth it? 

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