Empowering teen girls to discover the wisdom within

We live in a culture that idolises the head and ignores the heart. It's Mental Health Week, and with mental health issues at an alarming high in adults and children, it's time we shifted gears a little and placed more value on our heart and body intelligence. 

Of course for teens, developing intellect is essential, common sense crucial, but equally important is learning to listen to your heart in matters of the heart - relationships, connection to others, your people, life direction and pivotal choices. As is learning to trust your gut instincts and finding the courage to stay true to yourself in a culture that constantly seduces us to do the exact opposite. 

Why don't we teach this to our girls? The world is changing so quickly, and many of us are recognising our education system can only teach so much, which is why other sources of guidance are becoming increasingly important to help give teens the inner skills they will need to be flexible, open-minded and self-directed to navigate times of change. It takes a village!! 

My philosophy is we need to draw on all of the intelligence and innate capacities we have to learn how to stay connected to ourselves, trust ourselves and walk our own path in life. Of course the younger we learn these skills, the better! 

My new course Teen Girls: Wisdom Within teaches teen girls how to listen to and trust their own good judgment and gut instinct, how to draw on their innate intuition and strengths, how and when to listen to their heart, and will teach wise inner tools, such as releasing fears and worries, wise self-talk, cool self-care strategies and building self-worth, to help them stay true to themselves throughout the teen years and beyond. It’s practical, fun, inspiring and heart-centred and I can’t wait to share this with 8 amazing teen girls. 

The course kicks off in Term 4 on Saturday, 27 October, 3 - 4.30 pm and runs for 6 weeks in Forestville, Sydney. It’s ideal for girls in Years 8-10, but feel free to contact me if your daughter is on either side, to discuss suitability.

To find out more, please see www.laurellewishart.com/teen-girls-wisdom-within

Please share with anyone you know who may be interested! Thanks so much. 🙏